<3<<<>>>~~~~~~~<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>~~~~~~~don’t worry, we are hard at work! ~~~~~~~<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>~~~~~~~<<<>>><3
Dotdotdot proudly presents
Come Nu Kom Now
(pt2 Stockholm)(May 31 -June 30 2024)

With Karolina Dworska, Jamie Fitzpatrick, Hannah Lim, James Shaw, Luisa Me, Jesse Pollock, Tessa Silva, Emma Sheehy & Amy Worrall. 

At its core Dotdotdot has always been a cultural exchange between its founding members- Lisa Juntunen Roos (SWE) Petter Rhodiner (SWE) and Amy Worrall (UK). The classification of craft, handicraft, material based art and fine art in our respective home countries is distinctly different, a discussion that is at the centre of Dotdotdot. We show and represent our version of craft - craft we love, craft that we are challenged and inspired by.

Applying our ethos to the independent art world in the UK by showcasing artists based in Sweden. And in turn bringing UK based artists to our established stage in Stockholm to enrich the Swedish & UK craft field and promote international exchange. 


Graphic design
Laslo Strong
Laslo Strong

With the kind support from
Stockholm Stad